Thursday, December 20, 2012

CIA, Drugging Kids and the Recent Shootings

With all the assembled regimists talking-heads  yucking up the tragic events in Newtown CT, I thought it would be prudent to look into certain aspects of America's mass killers that the Mainstream sources are not reporting. Namely: The use of pharmaceutical drugs and America's Intelligence community.

Abby Martin with RT news does an excellent job covering one of these topics in the video below :

I want to add, Abby Martin is not merely a conspiracy theorist. Many intelligent observers--and even Michael Moore!-- have pointed out the mysterious connection between mass shootings in America and the use of psychotropic drugs on teenagers. We now know the Newtown school shooter was on such drugs.  What most Americans do not know is that many of these pharmaceuticals and illegal substances, such as LSD, were created and distributed by the CIA in the 1960's and 1970's.

Dr. Colin Ross has reported on the CIA's experimentation for quite some time. Many fascinating books have been written about this frightening episode in American History, and there are even personal stories of survivors and  abuse victims.
Given that both the recent Sikh-temple shooter, Wade Page  was part of an Army Psychological unit and the Colorado gunman, James Holmes, who was under the care of a mysterious woman herself  linked to the Air Force and Army Intelligence Agencies, there appear to be numerous unanswered questions in these crazed maniacs' rampages.Sadly, the Intelligence Community's involvement in matters such as this is nothing new.  Consider, the famous "Unabomber".  

Ted Kaczynski, better known as the "Unabomber," was part of a CIA, mind-control experiment while an undergraduate at Harvard.  Many such possible terrorists have been part and parcel of the American intelligence community's experiments for some time. There is no evidence the CIA or any intelligence branch of America's government intentionally created terrorists like the Unabomber or other such mass murderers. However, there are numerous unanswered questions regarding the ethics of just what our government can do to unknowing American citizens. For more on this topic I highly recommend the work of John Marks.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Where's the Antiwar Left?

Check out the latest blog from some friends of mine:

Where's the Antiwar Left?

Hoping to find the antiwar left!...or antiwar ANYONE!

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Most Philosophical Man in the World: Part II

I've been very, very busy lately. But even I couldn't resist watching Part II of "The Ultimate History Lesson." It's even better than Part I, which I've already blogged about.

This one ends on a cliff-hanger! I can't wait until next week when I get to hear part III about how the media is not what we think it is.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

 Sorry for being so inactive lately . What better way to get back on the scene than a clip from Ron Paul's latest hearing. Enjoy!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Walter: Abortion

Dr. Block never shies away from controversy. In fact, he was booed over this very speech. But that only means we ought to listen to this pro-life atheist all the more. Kudos for getting us thinking, Dr. Block!

Block apologizes for a mistake in the above.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Murray on Confused Intellectuals

Been very, very busy lately-- hence the lack of activity here.

However, a friend has been emailing me wondering aloud how so many smart people could possibly still believe in Socialism? (More specifically, the kind America currently practices. As a dedicated Rothbardian, where else should I turn but to the master himself?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Most Philosophical Man In The World

I don't usually praise thinkers. But when I do, that thinker is usually John Taylor Gatto, a man who transformed my beliefs about education, human nature, American History, death and how to be a good man. Here, John sits down and talks about...well, everything. And he does it with the usual gifts of wit, insight and astounding  knowledge I highly recommend his website and all his amazing work.

In the first 17 min of introducation, I highly recommend the fellow's adive: namely, watch this to discover, not to debunk what you've learned. John Gatto's books often repay upon re-reading. (I can attest. I've read two of his books four times--each.) He often recommends rereading to his audience, and in this case, it pays to rewatching.   

"When you take free will out of Education--you make it into schooling."--John Taylor Gatto

Weekly Walter

This week, Dr. Block looks at Advanced Topics in Libertarianism. Seasoned guys like myself take note!

Lew's Killer Speech

An amazing video/speech by Lew Rockwell. Rockwell is always one  of the best speakers around. Not the most charismatic, but more eloquent and with an amazing voice.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekly Walter Part II

The anti-Rand Paul Bob Wenzel talks to slightly more pro-Rand Walter Block. A great interveiw. Walter is amazing as always.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I'm a Blockhead: ANNOUNCING Weekly Walter!

I admit it. I'm hooked.

Is there any other person--much less a real, professional economist--who can explain economics in the same fun, hilarious and easy-going way that Walter Block can?

Lew Rockwell has started referring to Walter as the new "Mr. Libertarian." Boy, could I agree anymore?

Bob Wenzel has started a series on his site called "Morning Coffee with Murray" where he provides short, but important clips of Rothbard that are under 5 min long. I've decided to start a series on this blog called "Weekly Walter" where I play a clip under 10min of the great Walter Block. Here's our first installment. It's an oldie somebody dug up of Dr. Block explaining the environment and Austrian economics :

The reason I start the series off here is because this is one of those taboo topics. We're always told that the free-market could never provide a solution to environmental problems on it's own. Balderdash! says Block. I often describe my political views as Rockwellian but I may have to change that to "Blockian" (or should I just call myself a "Blockhead"?).

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Facebook Friend Request

My Facebook pals Kat and John Switzer, whose excellent blog is just a tad less, ahem, radical than mine have asked for some sources on Paul Ryan. Time to splurge.

Paul Ryan's voting record: From his own state!

Ryan vs. Obama: On Federal Spending

My Favorite Magazine: Think Twice about Ryan

Ryan worse than Bill Clinton: Say Libertarians.

Ron Paul vs. Paul Ryan: Bet you can't guess who wins?

Ron Paul takes down Ryan: Just because he can.

That's just the beginning. Will keep posting when more stuff comes up.

UPDATE: Ron Paul PWD's Ryan...on public television. It dosen't get better than this.

UPDATE II While I'm not normally a fan of Infowars, this short segment is pretty good (minus the last 45 seconds)
UPDATE III In a hilarious twist, it looks as though Ryan's family were socialists the whole time!

Monday, August 13, 2012


...what's the difference?

Paul Flops.

No, not that Paul, don't worry.

I would love to criticize Paul Ryan, the latest fascist pea in the Romney pod, but Justin Raimondo does such an amazing job, I'll just let you read for yourself.

My favorite paragraph:

That some “libertarians” are ready, willing, and able to swallow this guff, I have no doubt. They claim Ryan “gets the free market.” Well, whoop-de-doo! So does the Chinese Communist party, these days.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

We'll Forget Arnold, Wholesale

I'm posting a review of the new "Total Recall" film. I was pleasantly surprised.

In the 1st, 1990 film,

there was a great, campy feeling to whole thing. I'm no fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger, especially since he was always a shill for government power.

I'd heard the negative reviews from friends, and read the mixed reviews from critics. The film deserves no Oscars, nor will it be remembered for it's achievements even three years from now, not to mention a few of the lines which are just not well written. But, for an action film, it is both visually stunning and excellently paced.

Colin Ferral, whose previous disasters at the theater almost made me stay away, gave a believable performance as both an ordinary Joe, and super-spy/action hero.

The best performance, however, goes to the beautiful Kate Beckinsale who has mercifully transitioned from some really, really bad romantic movies into an ass-kciking, sci-fi heroine. But, for the first time, she emerges as a villainess and the main antagonist of the film.

What many fans of both films probably don't know (unless they watched Jessica Biel's interview with John Stewart--which I apparently missed) is that both films are (very loosely) based on an old, Philip K. Dick short story that involves traveling to Mars, and the main character being tracked because of his role (unbeknownst to him) in the spy-world.

For better or worse, the 1990 film is slightly closer to Dick's original story. Although, in that version, Hollywood made a corporation the evil villain. (And in other news...No one is surprised!)

I'd like to focus on the Libertarian aspects of the new film.

The film begins by informing us that the whole world has been destroyed except most of Northern Europe (the United Federation of Britain--UFB) and "The Colony" (Australia).

In this film, the colonists are portrayed as seeking independence from UFB, but they employ violence, and are labeled "terrorists" by the ruling government. I don't know if it was intentional, but there are some parallels between this aspect of the film and the American Revolution. For whatever reason, the people of the colony speak with an American accent, while the UFB citizens sound very British. (Except for the evil Prime Minister.)

Themes about  secession and the right to govern oneself play a role. The enemy is the State--a theme all Libertarians should be happy about. Violence and war don't come out looking too great, either. The revolutionaries are the good guys, and the military/police come off looking like crazed fanatics.

On a politically-unrelated note: The big theme seems to be "We are what we choose." In a kind of Deus-ex-machina,  we know the whole film could be a dream given to the main character at ReKall. However, that doesn't matter because whoever we are in the past can be altered by who we choose to be now. Thus, even the main characters sins as a spy and government killer can be forgotten if he does the right thing in the here and now.

While far from perfect, Total Recall is worth seeing; Libertarians will not be disappointed.

Wrong Paul

So Willard has announced his choice for veep, and it's not good.

I will give Romney mild praise. He did not pick a woman, an African-American or some other minority group as his running mate--that would have only made him look worse...if that possible bad. Rather than picking some other shmuck simply to get votes, Romney went with a safe bet. I think far too many times--especially in recent years--candidates have selected a running mate simply to win a particular state, or constituency. Kerry's pick of John Edwards did not win the Democrats North Carolina in 2004, nor did Palin do much for McCain in 2008. I highly doubt Obama's selection of Joe Biden did anything for the Democrats. It looks like the entire hooplah over the Vice-Presidential nomination is just so much bunkim at the end of the day.

What, then to make of Paul Ryan? Why not let the fellow babble a bit for us? Here he is, discussing the TARP bailouts in 2008. Notice, his confusion about Herbert Hoover's anti-capitalist policies. Note, also, what a galloping Keynsian the fellow is on economics (as thought the numbers didn't already spell that out):

It should come as no shock that actual conservatives may not like him at all. News of the right wrong Paul's rise was greated with grave disappointment in the right places, and idiotically praised by by so-called "libertarians". But no need for those idiots to be frightened. Paul Ryan will never be too radical. Indeed, the whole race was always a joke. Never once has there been any hint of real change or anything worth voting for. Ryan simply cements into firm place the already apparent fact that no real or serious issues will be discussed. Ryan's budget was always a joke as any real observer could see. What the people will actually vote for and what the media will claim they're voting for will be as different as night from day. But, is there cause to celebrate? Perhaps the one silver lining to the otherwise grim forecast is the sight of many conservatives actually trying to stop what will surely be a re-election landslide for Obama. I may not agree with these folks on all issues, but their presence is very welcome. May such criticisms continue! Also, this will hopefully spell the end of Paul Rayn's awful, Keyensian career. Edwards, Palin, Cheney--all have mercifully vanished as non-entities in the American mind where, God willing, they will  remain. I look forward to more change in the GOP. Let a thousand dissenters bloom!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Her Royal Majesty Vists the Africa Province

In the old days of "Rule, Rule Britannia" the subjects had to bow to the Queen. Now, in the American Imperium the queen dances with the subjects. How kind of her. Malawi is one of the few parts of the globe not gaured by American Legions. But, our Government has ensured it's economic dependence.


Economist Robert Murphy deals with the deadliness of the new deathcare program. I'll be posting a longer entry about what fasicm is from a political/economic veiw later this week. However, the main confusion surrounding the entire debate about Socilaism appears to be twofold, from both left and right:

1.) Liberals Claim: America's healthcare system (prior to Obamacare) was "free-market," Smithian and out-of-control capitalist; therefore, government intervention is totally justified.
When, of course, we know that's a historically inaccurate, and totally baseless claim.

2.) Republicans Claim: Obama is a Marxist/Socialist/Communist! and as such he's going to turn America into Cuba.

In fact...Obama's more of a corporate fascist. And, yes, there's a difference between the two, one we all ought to learn.

But, for those who'd like a funny guy to explain the technicalities, here's the wonderful Walter Block:

But Bloggers Don't Do That!

If You Don't Love Amurika...

...Then Leave?

Tom Woods gives an interesting look at the whole "Social Contract" nonsense.


The great Justin Raimondo talks about the evil, anti-Chrisitan policies of our Government. He also wonders (well, sarastically wonders) where the outrage is among the so called "Christian Right" who seem to be more and more shills for Government power.

I've noticed this disturbing trend amoungst Christians as well. It's a shame when an ex-Christian like Raimondo has to point out the obvious. Christians--American Christians, anyway--seem to go into a tizzy about, say, abortion because it involves the taking of innocent, human life but are a-ok with with wars that pretty much do the same thing. Isn't this a tad odd?

UPDATE: Gary North has a little good news for Catholics: about the heatlthcare law.

UPDATE II I am not making an argument for abortion in this post. But, as the great Ron Paul points out it's more than a tad self-contradictory to oppose war or abortion but not oppose the other. (And I guess the converse would also be be true.)

UPDATE III Some may not see any clear contradiction between opposing abortion but not war. Here, I submit to you the great Baptist theologian Laurence Vance about just war theory

NOTE: I don't always agree with Vance, since he often takes the most extreme view on foreign policy. But I felt having a theolgoian talk about these issues would be a good idea. For the record, I think some wars are just.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Newsflash! You're a Slave

The great Gary North--aka "The Tea Party Economist" asks to share this video. Looks good.

Capitalists Don't Despair

Robert Higgs, Ph.D wonders if we Capitalists are too grim. He also explains why this shouldn't apply to Austrians. Short and sweet.

UPDATE: It looks like Bob Wenzel and Lew Rockwell have posted this great talk by Dr. Higgs.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Science-Fiction and Freedom: A FQA

We all know that science-fiction is the best medium for liberty, just as it's an excellent medium for other, great themes. Though, of course, not all sci-fi types are libertarians. (Heck, just look at the commies who made Star Trek or the amazing Rod Serling!) Often, people ask me why I like Sci-Fi so much. I liked Sci-Fi before I ever got involved in political ideas.

But it does seem that the only genre really interested in the whole question of freedom seems to be sci-fi! I hope this changes soon. But for now, it looks like this might be our only genre for expressing our ideas.

Liberty Literature: Part 1

I'm going to start a series on liberty in art. In this first installment, I'll be reviewing John Twleve Hawks's The Fourth Realm Trilogy. I had considered doing one post for all three, but decided I'll give you all three at once.

This Sci-Fi trilogy is set in the present-day. It jumps from Los Angelos, London, New York, Ethiopia, Japan, France, Israel, Egypt and Germany. (The author is very well-traveled.) In this series, a secret society known as "The Tabula" or "The Brethren" have secretly taken over much of society. Only a certain kind of person, known as a "Traveler" poses any threat to their power. Travelers have the ability to pass from this realm into other realms and bring back inspiring messages that will cause the masses to rise up and overthrow tyranny. Great Libertarian themes abound! I believe the author is a Zen-Buddhist. This helps understanding the trilogy, especially the third book, which I believe was much better than some critics claimed.

Book One: The Traveler

This was my favorite of the trilogy, possibly tied with the 3rd installment.

Themes about good and evil (not, necessarily good verses evil--there is a difference) abound here. The novel begins in London where the reader meets Maya, a Harlequin (not to be confused with those harlequins) who is unknowingly being stalked by Nathan Boone, head of the Tabula's security team. We find out the history of the Harlequins, who are trained from birth to protect and defend travelers from any harm, especially the Tabula. Maya learns of two Travelers in Los Angelos, and after some very unfortunate incidents (which I won't give away) with Boone, she heads out to protect them.

Soon we meet the Corrigan brothers: The younger, more free-spirited Gabriel and the older, uptight Micheal. Unbeknownst to the two, their missing father, Matthew Corrigan, was once a Traveler, and the reason for their family's constant moves during their childhood was because Matthew was constantly on the run from the Tabula.

Soon, both brothers are attacked by Nathan Boone and Tabula Mercenaries. Gabriel escapes, but Micheal is captured. Gabriel meets up with Maya while Micheal meets with the evil General Kennard Nash, the current head of the Tabula. Nash agrees to help Michael learn about his powers if Michael will speak to beings in the other realms (planet earth--our reality--is located in The Fourth Realm) and acquire more super-technology that will aid the Tabula in ruling the world. Meanwhile, Maya informs Gabriel about who and what he is. He will need the help of a "Pathfinder" to discover "the inner light" that he can project into the other realms. Along the way, Gabriel and Maya are aided by a woman named "Vicotry Over Sin Fraser" (mercifully nick-named "Vicky" in the series). Vicky is from Arkansas, a devout Christitan and follower of the Prophet Issac T. Jones (who we learn was really a Traveler, and whose visions were really his travels to other worlds).

Soon the trio finds a martial arts master named Hollis, who agrees to help out when he is also attacked by Tabula. An overconfident man, Hollis doesn't fully realize the danger, but as he grows closer to Gabriel and develops feelings for Vicky, he becomes ever-more dedicated to the cause.
Gabriel becomes torn about his life--as does Maya.

The group learns that the Tabula are builing a Panopticon that will watch all of society and bring everyone onto the grid of "the Vast Machine"--a series of programs that will monitor every aspect of our lives. Every country, every state, every city will be "on the grid," with someone watching them at all times. Society will be orderly, and all dreaded "anarchy" will cease. This book is very timely today given that our President regularly sits down and chats about a "kill list" with our names on it. Given the current state of our ever declining era of fascism democracy we know we're constantly being watched.

Many themes are woven into this book. One is change. Gabriel must mature from the wreckless, younger brother into a Traveler who will inspire others. (He does this, but more as the series itself progresses.) Maya, who begins to develop feelings for Gabriel also chagnes from the heartless, cold killer her father wanted her to be. (Like Gabriel, this happens more as the series progresses and not, necessarily, in this specific book).

I don't know if the author intended it, but the theme of fatherhood is huge throughout this series (possibly a nod to Buddha's being a bad father) . Garbriel, Micheal and Maya have father figures who attempt to shape them in certain ways prior to the story actually taking off, and all three characters have to deal with the choice of who they are suppose to be and who they want to be.

It's impossible to write a book that deals with every possible libertarian theme. So many of the more important thigns we Libertarians care about (e.g. Foreign Policy, Monetary Policy, Economic Policy, etc.) are sadly not brought up at all. But the focus on civil liberties may be a boon to the series. After all, even liberals care about those! We need as many people from accross the the spectrum to wake up, so the focus on this very important issue is key.

But this novel, in particular, is excellent if all you're looking for is a Sci-Fi yarn. It's very fast-paced, the characters are believable and given the parallels with the current state of our civil liberties, it is very believable and all-too-timely.

Book Two The Dark River

This is, by far, the worse book in the series.

The fast pace, which made the first novel so wonderful, is far too hyped. The book breezes by without getting a clear picture of what's happening. Characters that seemed so esstential to the first book seem to show up and then get killed before I could understand what the hell was going on. That, and the author seems to fancy himself doing a good job explaining the relationship developments between the characters when what we get are terrible lines like: "There was nothing between them--there was everything."

Likewise, the villains don't seem to progress much. There isn't quite as much traveling and all the goodies Michael promised to get the Tabula from the other realms seems to have been forgotten by, well, everybody and a kind of inner-politics gets played.

While the first book portrayed heroic characters struggling against a dark background of paranoid, Orwellian controll this book is dark, grim and borderline dull. Gabriel travels to the Second and First Realms, whose inhabitants are "Hungary Ghosts" and the damned. While the author was (I don't know inspired by Movies like Dark City?) engrossed in his work, he has created a few worlds with characters so depressing, so grim and so hate-filled you almost get bored waiting for the next unbelievably unsettling thing to happen. The villains continue to win victory after victory, beginning in the very beginning when a community of the resistence is mowed down by Tabula. You get the idea that society is pretty much screwed. (Which, given the current state of things seems probable.)

The title isn't explained until almost the end, one of our six or so main characters gets killed off, as does one of the main villains. While this isn't always a bad thing, the author doesn't really end the main character's death all too well. Though the villain's end is an interesting twist.

The end of the novel is as strange and depressing as the middle chunk. I wasn't left desperately wanting to read the next installment like I was at the end of The Traveler. Instead, I was disappointed and worried the conclusion to the Trilogy would be a flop. Thankfully, I was quite wrong.

Book Three The Golden City

While many critics lambasted this book, I found it to be very well-done. I can understand why some fans hated the ending (no spoilers, I promise!) but I think if you understand the authors religious views--which seem at least influenced by Zen Buddhism-- then the ending makes perfect since.

This book actually gave some closure to the obscure and strange ending of the second and
does a superb job rescuing the series from the butchery that was The Dark River.

(Note: I'm explaining less and less of the plots of the second and third books so as not to give away too much for those who haven't read them.)

We see Gabriel fighting back against the Vast Machine and gaining friends (some of which are found in the second book) while growing physically weak.

After a few adventures, he finds his way to the Sixth Realm--The Golden City. Here, he comes to some powerful conclusions about himself. Meanwhile, Micheal, his brother travels to the Fifth Realm of Halfgods and finds the technology he needs to bring back to the Tabula.

This sets the stage for the final confrontation between brothers. Michael has long-ago decided to join the Tabula and work to help the Vast Machine build the Panopticon. Gabriel is the only one who can stop him. The ending is quite unexpected, but not in a bad way. (Maya, has a big surprise for her in this book too...and, no, it's not a marriage.)

I was surprised so many readers failed to see the religious themes that glow through this book. The Buddhist influence isn't too obvious, but if you know what to look for.

(My favorite line: "A saint is just an exceptional person and a few hundred years.")

The relationships between two of the characters is very well done, without any sort of debaucherous sex scenes and, therefore, more romantic and believable. I will, however, gripe about the author's poor use of dialouge. Gabriel comes to meet a very important figure from his past, and they...don't even seem surprised to meet each other, which doesn't seem to make sense. I thought this was the only weird aspect of the novel. Also, the strange use of child-kidnapping and possible molestation was a weird way to go, even if the villains are the ones doing it. Although... I guess I see why the author did it...
All the fast pace an wonder of The Traveler are back, and so are the action sequences, the fight scenes and finally the good guys seem to have a chance of winning.

The conclusion was anything but what I expected, however I was satisfyed. I highly encourage everyone--regardless of your political views--to look into this excellent trilogy. Even if you just want a good yarn that isn't as crazy as it may sound at first. But anyone who cares about privacy, the surveillance/security state or civil liberties will love this series.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A New, Grand Opening

Well, it's the start of something wonderful.

I attempted a blog a few years ago and I've been horribly inactive on it. So I decided to wipe the slate clean and start anew.

Science, phiolosophy, religion and political- economic theories occupy my time. Also, I'm quite a science-fiction fan. I was once very much into psychology, but have become more skecptical of such ideas as of late.

I hope to entertain, educate and help spread my knowledge. I also hope to gain some of both in the process.

Let a thousand flowers bloom! as they say. So wish me luck.

Here goes.