Showing posts with label Fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fascism. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Facebook Friend Request

My Facebook pals Kat and John Switzer, whose excellent blog is just a tad less, ahem, radical than mine have asked for some sources on Paul Ryan. Time to splurge.

Paul Ryan's voting record: From his own state!

Ryan vs. Obama: On Federal Spending

My Favorite Magazine: Think Twice about Ryan

Ryan worse than Bill Clinton: Say Libertarians.

Ron Paul vs. Paul Ryan: Bet you can't guess who wins?

Ron Paul takes down Ryan: Just because he can.

That's just the beginning. Will keep posting when more stuff comes up.

UPDATE: Ron Paul PWD's Ryan...on public television. It dosen't get better than this.

UPDATE II While I'm not normally a fan of Infowars, this short segment is pretty good (minus the last 45 seconds)
UPDATE III In a hilarious twist, it looks as though Ryan's family were socialists the whole time!