Showing posts with label Facsim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facsim. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wrong Paul

So Willard has announced his choice for veep, and it's not good.

I will give Romney mild praise. He did not pick a woman, an African-American or some other minority group as his running mate--that would have only made him look worse...if that possible bad. Rather than picking some other shmuck simply to get votes, Romney went with a safe bet. I think far too many times--especially in recent years--candidates have selected a running mate simply to win a particular state, or constituency. Kerry's pick of John Edwards did not win the Democrats North Carolina in 2004, nor did Palin do much for McCain in 2008. I highly doubt Obama's selection of Joe Biden did anything for the Democrats. It looks like the entire hooplah over the Vice-Presidential nomination is just so much bunkim at the end of the day.

What, then to make of Paul Ryan? Why not let the fellow babble a bit for us? Here he is, discussing the TARP bailouts in 2008. Notice, his confusion about Herbert Hoover's anti-capitalist policies. Note, also, what a galloping Keynsian the fellow is on economics (as thought the numbers didn't already spell that out):

It should come as no shock that actual conservatives may not like him at all. News of the right wrong Paul's rise was greated with grave disappointment in the right places, and idiotically praised by by so-called "libertarians". But no need for those idiots to be frightened. Paul Ryan will never be too radical. Indeed, the whole race was always a joke. Never once has there been any hint of real change or anything worth voting for. Ryan simply cements into firm place the already apparent fact that no real or serious issues will be discussed. Ryan's budget was always a joke as any real observer could see. What the people will actually vote for and what the media will claim they're voting for will be as different as night from day. But, is there cause to celebrate? Perhaps the one silver lining to the otherwise grim forecast is the sight of many conservatives actually trying to stop what will surely be a re-election landslide for Obama. I may not agree with these folks on all issues, but their presence is very welcome. May such criticisms continue! Also, this will hopefully spell the end of Paul Rayn's awful, Keyensian career. Edwards, Palin, Cheney--all have mercifully vanished as non-entities in the American mind where, God willing, they will  remain. I look forward to more change in the GOP. Let a thousand dissenters bloom!