I don't usually praise thinkers. But when I do, that thinker is usually John Taylor Gatto, a man who transformed my beliefs about education, human nature, American History, death and how to be a good man. Here, John sits down and talks about...well, everything. And he does it with the usual gifts of wit, insight and astounding knowledge I highly recommend his website and all his amazing work.
In the first 17 min of introducation, I highly recommend the fellow's adive: namely, watch this to discover, not to debunk what you've learned. John Gatto's books often repay upon re-reading. (I can attest. I've read two of his books four times--each.) He often recommends rereading to his audience, and in this case, it pays to rewatching.
"When you take free will out of Education--you make it into schooling."--John Taylor Gatto