Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Most Philosophical Man In The World

I don't usually praise thinkers. But when I do, that thinker is usually John Taylor Gatto, a man who transformed my beliefs about education, human nature, American History, death and how to be a good man. Here, John sits down and talks about...well, everything. And he does it with the usual gifts of wit, insight and astounding  knowledge I highly recommend his website and all his amazing work.

In the first 17 min of introducation, I highly recommend the fellow's adive: namely, watch this to discover, not to debunk what you've learned. John Gatto's books often repay upon re-reading. (I can attest. I've read two of his books four times--each.) He often recommends rereading to his audience, and in this case, it pays to rewatching.   

"When you take free will out of Education--you make it into schooling."--John Taylor Gatto

Weekly Walter

This week, Dr. Block looks at Advanced Topics in Libertarianism. Seasoned guys like myself take note!

Lew's Killer Speech

An amazing video/speech by Lew Rockwell. Rockwell is always one  of the best speakers around. Not the most charismatic, but more eloquent and with an amazing voice.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekly Walter Part II

The anti-Rand Paul Bob Wenzel talks to slightly more pro-Rand Walter Block. A great interveiw. Walter is amazing as always.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I'm a Blockhead: ANNOUNCING Weekly Walter!

I admit it. I'm hooked.

Is there any other person--much less a real, professional economist--who can explain economics in the same fun, hilarious and easy-going way that Walter Block can?

Lew Rockwell has started referring to Walter as the new "Mr. Libertarian." Boy, could I agree anymore?

Bob Wenzel has started a series on his site called "Morning Coffee with Murray" where he provides short, but important clips of Rothbard that are under 5 min long. I've decided to start a series on this blog called "Weekly Walter" where I play a clip under 10min of the great Walter Block. Here's our first installment. It's an oldie somebody dug up of Dr. Block explaining the environment and Austrian economics :

The reason I start the series off here is because this is one of those taboo topics. We're always told that the free-market could never provide a solution to environmental problems on it's own. Balderdash! says Block. I often describe my political views as Rockwellian but I may have to change that to "Blockian" (or should I just call myself a "Blockhead"?).

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Facebook Friend Request

My Facebook pals Kat and John Switzer, whose excellent blog is just a tad less, ahem, radical than mine have asked for some sources on Paul Ryan. Time to splurge.

Paul Ryan's voting record: From his own state!

Ryan vs. Obama: On Federal Spending

My Favorite Magazine: Think Twice about Ryan

Ryan worse than Bill Clinton: Say Libertarians.

Ron Paul vs. Paul Ryan: Bet you can't guess who wins?

Ron Paul takes down Ryan: Just because he can.

That's just the beginning. Will keep posting when more stuff comes up.

UPDATE: Ron Paul PWD's Ryan...on public television. It dosen't get better than this.

UPDATE II While I'm not normally a fan of Infowars, this short segment is pretty good (minus the last 45 seconds)
UPDATE III In a hilarious twist, it looks as though Ryan's family were socialists the whole time!