Thursday, December 20, 2012

CIA, Drugging Kids and the Recent Shootings

With all the assembled regimists talking-heads  yucking up the tragic events in Newtown CT, I thought it would be prudent to look into certain aspects of America's mass killers that the Mainstream sources are not reporting. Namely: The use of pharmaceutical drugs and America's Intelligence community.

Abby Martin with RT news does an excellent job covering one of these topics in the video below :

I want to add, Abby Martin is not merely a conspiracy theorist. Many intelligent observers--and even Michael Moore!-- have pointed out the mysterious connection between mass shootings in America and the use of psychotropic drugs on teenagers. We now know the Newtown school shooter was on such drugs.  What most Americans do not know is that many of these pharmaceuticals and illegal substances, such as LSD, were created and distributed by the CIA in the 1960's and 1970's.

Dr. Colin Ross has reported on the CIA's experimentation for quite some time. Many fascinating books have been written about this frightening episode in American History, and there are even personal stories of survivors and  abuse victims.
Given that both the recent Sikh-temple shooter, Wade Page  was part of an Army Psychological unit and the Colorado gunman, James Holmes, who was under the care of a mysterious woman herself  linked to the Air Force and Army Intelligence Agencies, there appear to be numerous unanswered questions in these crazed maniacs' rampages.Sadly, the Intelligence Community's involvement in matters such as this is nothing new.  Consider, the famous "Unabomber".  

Ted Kaczynski, better known as the "Unabomber," was part of a CIA, mind-control experiment while an undergraduate at Harvard.  Many such possible terrorists have been part and parcel of the American intelligence community's experiments for some time. There is no evidence the CIA or any intelligence branch of America's government intentionally created terrorists like the Unabomber or other such mass murderers. However, there are numerous unanswered questions regarding the ethics of just what our government can do to unknowing American citizens. For more on this topic I highly recommend the work of John Marks.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Where's the Antiwar Left?

Check out the latest blog from some friends of mine:

Where's the Antiwar Left?

Hoping to find the antiwar left!...or antiwar ANYONE!

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Most Philosophical Man in the World: Part II

I've been very, very busy lately. But even I couldn't resist watching Part II of "The Ultimate History Lesson." It's even better than Part I, which I've already blogged about.

This one ends on a cliff-hanger! I can't wait until next week when I get to hear part III about how the media is not what we think it is.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

 Sorry for being so inactive lately . What better way to get back on the scene than a clip from Ron Paul's latest hearing. Enjoy!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Walter: Abortion

Dr. Block never shies away from controversy. In fact, he was booed over this very speech. But that only means we ought to listen to this pro-life atheist all the more. Kudos for getting us thinking, Dr. Block!

Block apologizes for a mistake in the above.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Murray on Confused Intellectuals

Been very, very busy lately-- hence the lack of activity here.

However, a friend has been emailing me wondering aloud how so many smart people could possibly still believe in Socialism? (More specifically, the kind America currently practices. As a dedicated Rothbardian, where else should I turn but to the master himself?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Most Philosophical Man In The World

I don't usually praise thinkers. But when I do, that thinker is usually John Taylor Gatto, a man who transformed my beliefs about education, human nature, American History, death and how to be a good man. Here, John sits down and talks about...well, everything. And he does it with the usual gifts of wit, insight and astounding  knowledge I highly recommend his website and all his amazing work.

In the first 17 min of introducation, I highly recommend the fellow's adive: namely, watch this to discover, not to debunk what you've learned. John Gatto's books often repay upon re-reading. (I can attest. I've read two of his books four times--each.) He often recommends rereading to his audience, and in this case, it pays to rewatching.   

"When you take free will out of Education--you make it into schooling."--John Taylor Gatto