Monday, September 24, 2012

The Most Philosophical Man in the World: Part II

I've been very, very busy lately. But even I couldn't resist watching Part II of "The Ultimate History Lesson." It's even better than Part I, which I've already blogged about.

This one ends on a cliff-hanger! I can't wait until next week when I get to hear part III about how the media is not what we think it is.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

 Sorry for being so inactive lately . What better way to get back on the scene than a clip from Ron Paul's latest hearing. Enjoy!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Walter: Abortion

Dr. Block never shies away from controversy. In fact, he was booed over this very speech. But that only means we ought to listen to this pro-life atheist all the more. Kudos for getting us thinking, Dr. Block!

Block apologizes for a mistake in the above.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Murray on Confused Intellectuals

Been very, very busy lately-- hence the lack of activity here.

However, a friend has been emailing me wondering aloud how so many smart people could possibly still believe in Socialism? (More specifically, the kind America currently practices. As a dedicated Rothbardian, where else should I turn but to the master himself?